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Foster Agreement - Dog
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Thank you so much from all of us at Save A Friend P.R. (SAFPR) for agreeing to foster one of our dogs. Our ability to be successful as a rescue depends on our foster families, and you will have contributed enormously in our efforts to save the street dogs of Puerto Rico one at a time.

Fosters must be at least 21 years of age. We do allow adoption of dogs by foster families, however fostering a dog is not a guarantee that your adoption of that dog would be approved as all adoption decisions are reserved to SAFPR.




I agree that the above-mentioned dog(s) is/are the sole property of SAFPR and is to be returned immediately upon request with no exceptions.

I agree to provide the above-mentioned dog(s) with love, affection, an appropriate diet, regular exercise, basic and positive obedience training, and house-training when necessary.

I agree to be responsive and remain in regular, frequent communication with SAFPR regarding the care and well-being of the above-mentioned dog and agree to sending regular photos and updates.

I agree that all basic expenses related to the dog(s) (food, toys, collars/leashes, crates/carriers) beyond those provided by SAFPR initially will be my responsibility. SAFPR will provide one collar/harness and one leash for each foster dog and will provide additional donated items as they are received; however, any basic items purchased beyond this will be my financial responsibility.

I agree to bring the above-mentioned dog(s) to an approved veterinarian when advised by SAFPR for routine procedures such as vaccinations, wellness exams, and spay/neuter if the dog(s) in my care are due for regular vaccines, check-ups, or are not presently spay/neutered. Any necessary veterinary care will be 1) provided by a veterinarian/veterinary facility approved by SAFPR, and 2) will be the financial responsibility of SAFPR.

I agree that all medical decisions are reserved to SAFPR, except when the dog’s life is in danger and a representative of SAFPR authorized to make medical decisions is unreachable. No dog may be euthanized for any reason by a veterinarian without the express consent and permission of SAFPR.

I agree to be cooperative in the transport of the dog(s) to adoption events and/or prospective adopter meet-and-greets. An approved foster family may transport a dog to an adoption event or meet-and-greet themselves, or coordinate drop-off/pick-up with a SAFPR representative. However, both adoption events and meet-and-greets with prospective adopters require the presence of a SAFPR representative unless otherwise noted.

I agree that if I decide to adopt the dog I am currently fostering at any point, I must go through the adoption process, which includes submitting an adoption application and paying the $400.00 adoption fee. I will pay the adoption fee by either Venmo: Saveafriendpr, Paypal:, or a check made out to Save A Friend P.R. I acknowledge that initially fostering the dog does not waive this application fee shall I decide to adopt the dog. Further, I understand that SAFPR must approve my adoption just as they approve non-foster adoptions.

I agree that while in my care, I am responsible for the safety of the above-mentioned dog(s) as well as the safety of other dog(s) and people in contact with the dog(s) I agree that if I need to return a dog to SAFPR for any reason, enough forewarning is given to locate a new foster home placement, and that this process will take a week or more.

I understand that while SAFPR is transparent about any known behavioral issues related to our dogs, some dogs may experience separation anxiety or have little to no prior house training. In the event that the dog I am fostering incurs any damages to my private property, I understand that those damages are my responsibility.



Once again we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining the team in helping the animals who so desperately deserve a chance for a new life. Please reach out with any questions or concerns at any time. Or to let us know how things are going.

The SAFPR Team

Email:   Phone: 360 561 1061

Venmo: Saveafriendpr    Paypal:


PO BOX 1452 •  Luquillo, PR 00773  •  (360) 561-1061 •  saveafriendpr [ at ]